Saturday, February 13, 2021

February 13th 2021

 I really enjoyed the class this week. We talked about dating and how to know if you are dating and marrying the right person. It was interesting to hear everyone's different opinions. It was also nice to get some ideas for dates. I am not someone who has gone on a lot of dates so I really enjoyed being able to hear advice. 

My roommates and I often talk about guys and we talk about qualities that we want in our future husbands. I have come to realize some qualities I want through the guys I have in my life. For example last semester my FHE brothers were some amazing guys and they were complete gentlemen to us. They always made us feel like we were loved and we are able to talk to them about anything. It made me realize that those things are want in my future husband. There are so many other guys and qualities that I could share but the idea is that I am starting to realize what I want.

Something I wanted to talk about is going on dates. I haven't gone on a lot of dates but the ones I have gone on have been fun. Some questions that I have had are how can I plan an effective date? How can I have an effective second plan if my first one goes wrong? 

It is interesting to me how there are some people who can just go up to a guy/girl and just ask them on a date with no second thought. It scares me so much I have to really work up to it. I also liked how we discussed how girls can also ask guys out on a date. I think sometimes we forget that and just expect the guys to ask us but in doing that we are making it harder on the guys. I think they wish that we would ask them sometimes. I think that we need to give guys more credit cause even the thought of having to ask a guy out freaks me out.

Another thing is getting married and how fast a couple decides to get married. Overall it depends on the couple but if you get engaged/ married after like a week do you really know each other that well? How can you really know this person if you haven't seen them handle different experiences? What happens if you get married and then you realize you don't really like this person? It makes it harder to leave the relationship because it is a marriage. Personally, I want to wait a little bit. I am somebody who doesn't open up that fast so my boyfriend is going to have to know that and help me because this is something that I struggle with. I think I really need to know them before I make such a commitment to them because it is not something you can just reverse, it is an eternal covenant.

We also talked about how it is becoming more an acceptable to live with each other before marriage. I have seen so many people who go and live with their boyfriend/ girlfriend while they are just dating and it doesn't work out. The difference is they didn't have that thing that was keeping them together. They had less reason to try and solve whatever problem they were having. 

Overall there are so many things with dating and marriage that need to be considered that some people just blow right past and I think that is the reason some marriages don't work out.

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