Saturday, March 27, 2021

March 27th


Parenting is something that is different for everyone. There are so many different parenting styles used in the world today. Personally, I think that depending on your family any of them could work. Some children need their parents to be more strict so that they have a structure in there lives and are told how to live there lives in a sense, but some kids need to be more independent so that they can figure it out on their own.

There are also many trails and challenges in becoming a parent. Some people think they are ready for it when in all reality maybe they shouldn’t be having children yet. Praying about whether you should have children or not is super important. The number of children that you have should be between you your spouse and the Lord. Children are such a blessing to this earth. They are so pure and have good intent in their hearts. The way we raise these children matters so much. Obviously not everyone is going to be perfect but in the long run if we raise respectful kids then our world will start to become a better place. If we raise our kids to respect each ither than I feel like we would be able to get so much more done. If we could teach them have to respect other people’s opinions then we could have respectful debates and be able to accomplish something in the end.

When we grow up we always say how we don’t want to be like our parents but when we actually start parenting you will see how much of there parenting style actually made sense. Some people grow up to be exactly like there parent and that is not always a bad thing. If you grew up and turned out well then there is no reason you shouldn’t consider being like your parents a little bit if that works for your family.

In conclusion parenting comes in all different styles and varieties but in order to truly know what works for your family you need to try different things. Try and be like your parents but also try and create your own way of parenting depending on how your kids are and how they respond to the different parenting styles. God can also help you know how to best raise your kids and teach the most you can and in the most effective way possible.

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